Following in the footsteps of one of the most hilarious episodes of It's Always Sunny "The Gang Finds a Dumpster Baby" - Dumpter Doritos takes a delicious nacho cheesy spin on the dumpster baby (what is wrong with me)
Just watch and give it hella views so my pal can win money for enough cigarettes and wiskey to fuel the next great American cinema.
(skip the intro and don't watch any of the other seriously, don't...unless you want instilled a primal fear of doritos poltergeisting you out of your bed at 3:15am. I do just fine scaring the shit out of myself without the help of my favorite snack food going all Linda Blair on my innocent slumbering body thank you very much. Jerk.)
No, I do not want AI to “polish” me.
I was sending an email when a little magic wand popped up that said
“Polish” and I thought that was weird because why would I want to translate
my email in...